X Muse Is At Venice Meeting Point!

Venice is draped in history and is the city with perhaps the most distinctive architectural and artistic identity. For every narrow street or serene canal there is a story from the city, and for every artisanal café there lies a unique piece of ecological diversity. It’s no wonder that Venice is one of the world’s oldest tourist destinations and cultural centres. These factors make Venice a perfect location for X MUSE Vodka to station our bar, in the Venice Meeting Point. The Venice Meeting Point lies toward the west of the island just around the corner from the Arsenale entrance. The space commonly hosts all manner of events, conferences, debates and dinners, but one of the biggest events this space sees is hosted every two years: Venice Biennale.

What Is The Venice Bienalle?

In 1895, the Biennale of Venice was established by the International Exhibition of Art in Venice. It aims to promote "the noblest activities of the modern spirit without distinction of country." The name, perhaps obviously, refers to the event taking place every two years. The first-ever Bienalle garnered over 200,000 visitors and artists from 16 different countries. Since its inception, the event has garnered worldwide reputability, drawing in artists from all across the world and millions of visitors. Initially focused on paintings and sculptures, the festival expanded. 1932 marked the debut of the International Film Festival, while 1934 added the International Theatre Festival. Following the Second World War, it became an international centre for contemporary art and avant-garde art, and in 1998 the festival was expanded to also showcase dance and architectural design. Nowadays, the festival averages an attendance of over 300,000 visitors exploring all areas of art, design, theatre, music, cinema, architecture and dance, all of which we draw our inspiration from.

Venice Meeting Point

The Venice Meeting Point, established by Lightbox in 2015, is a platform for international dialogue in contemporary art, fostering collaboration opportunities among artists, arts organisations, and the international arts community, and cultivating a wider public engagement in the arts.

This year, the Navy Officer's Club hosts Venice Meeting Point – building on the platform that links technical and artistic communities more closely together. It is the brainchild of its founder, Hans Ulrich Obrist, the artistic director of the Serpentine Galleries, and writer and cultural strategist András Szántó. This year will feature an art exhibition titled “De Rerum Natura” that has been curated by My Art Guides publisher Mara Sartore.

Why Did X Muse Choose The Venice Meeting Point?

We pride ourselves on the intricate design and craft that is put into our vodka, which draws from the centuries-long tradition of spirit making in Scotland. We take a philosophical approach to the distilling process involved in the creation of our heritage barley-based vodka, and we constantly refer to and take inspiration from the deep-rooted history that we are a part of it. Our values closely align with the artistic community, and we want to spread the word amongst like-minded people while celebrating the wider community that we are involved in. Like others, we are unafraid to push boundaries and explore places that remain otherwise untouched.

Meeting Point Events

Venice Meeting Point has partnered with X MUSE as one of its cultural partners. From 6 pm to 9 pm, there will be complimentary cocktails in its space, situated in the Tavern of the Navy Officer's Club.

Wednesday 20 April: Formafantasma, 6:30-9:30 PM
We will be hosting a cocktail evening designed to celebrate the design duo Formafantasma’s invitation to design our very own ‘La Muse Inquiete’ (The Disquieting Muses). This is the same world-renowned studio that has also contributed to our bespoke brand experience, designing many of our related objects. Designs draw from the six artistic principles in celebration of the Bienalle’s rich artistic history spanning over 125 years.

Thursday 21 April: Unfinished, 5-7 PM
The Unfinished Camp is a new art initiative with the intention to provide a global platform for young contemporary artists and foster an ethical and equitable digital future. This event is held to reimagine and rebuild this digital future.

Friday 22 April: Jupiter, Forma, 8 PM - Midnight - Invitation Only

Our close friend and collaborator Alberta Whittle will be representing Scotland at this year’s Venice Art Biennale. Jupiter+ and Forma are inviting you to a party held in her honour for a night filled with dancing and cocktails mixed with X MUSE Vodka. The festivities include a performance by DJ Matthew Arthur Williams who will be performing throughout the evening.

We hope to see you there so that we can enjoy the latest contemporary art and the finest cocktails together. Be sure to keep up to date with the latest news from X MUSE by signing up here.

X Muse Bar at Venice Meeting Point: Navy Officers Club, Circolo Ufficiali Marina Militare Calle Seconda de la Fava, 2168, 30122 Venezia VE